bolognese webring

hi, welcome to the bolognese webring! this webring is just a general one for people to join for fun, not any requirements or anything.

it was created and is maintained by daisy/spagwhetti.

how to join.

if you wish to join create a PR (Pull Request) on github here and modify webring.json

simply add this new line to the file: { "name": "YOUR-NAME", "url": "YOUR-URL" }

YOUR-NAME being your prefered name and YOUR-URL being your sites url. also don't forget to add a comma to the line before please.

After your PR has been accepted please add the webring navigation embed to your website, on your main page in a visible place, or on a page dedicated to webrings if you have one.
embed code: (replace YOUR-NAME with the name you used in webring.json)

<iframe id="bolognese-webring" style="width: 100%; height: 3rem; border: none;" src=""></iframe>

this is what the embed will look like: (border added for better visibility)

customising your embed.

optionally, you can also change the background colour, text colour, and link colour of your embed. You can do this by appending &colour=%23ff0000, &textcolour=%23ff0000 and &linkcolour=%23ff0000 respectively to the link in the iframe above (after YOUR-NAME), this is optional, the link will still work even if you don't add it. You can also choose which of these you want to change, not all of them are needed.

customising your embed even further.

if instead of using the default embed and want to make your own, here are the links you need to put in:

webring home:
next page:
prev page:
(optional) random page:

have fun! ~ spagwhetti

(alternatively if you do not know how github/pull requests work, you can message me on discord or bluesky and i can add you into the webring myself)

there are Loading... people in the webring: